Wednesday 11 January 2012

Welcome to my new blog!

As of now, I will keep a record of my participation in the discussions section for my Online MSc in Global Management as well as any assignments. For a quick insight into the basic structure of each module I shall explain briefly how assessment is carried out.

Each module consists of 8 weeks, although Module 1 consists of 10, and each study week commences on a Thursday and ends every Wednesday.

By Saturday one has to reply to a 'Discussion Question' (DQ) presented by the Professor with an 'Initial Response' (IR) of 250-350 words, which should draw on one's own experience, research and analysis.

This is then followed by responding to fellow students' IRs where by the end of the study week should have made 3-5 responses of about the same amount as the IR depending on quality and content not quantity necessarily.

Each study week also includes an assignment to be handed by midnight each Wednesday.

I hope you find my future posts as interesting and stimulating as I find this master programme. If you have any feed back on any posts, feel free to contact me.


El Tanoderno


  1. El Tanoderno hey, thanks for setting up this blog. I was just wondering how did studies go? How far are you now? Best regards

  2. Thank you for your comment. I actually decided to discontinue towards the end of second half of the module as I wasn't happy with the service. For some reason my professor didn't post my grades and when I sent her messages asking as to why she didn't respond and just ignored my enquires as she was active in the forums. She did eventually reply after I publicly asked her in the forums. She also gave me a warning for Copyright infringement/plagiarism on my latest work as I apparently forgot to quote a minor source. So after that I felt quite offended (mainly due to the fact that half of the students constantly forgot to quote most sources), if I remember correctly I also contacted or was contacted by my support manager to whom I explained what had happened but that didn't help either. I tried a few times..anyway there definitely seems to be a communication issue, and even I wanted to continue I decided to discontinue due to this lack in communication. I also suffered a week's worth of lumbago (intense lower back pain) which disabled me from getting any sleep. Maybe it was just that Professor, or the course's academic and support staff but it all came together at once with the back pain but as mentioned before, the main reason was the lack of communication. In a normal University setting one can just go to the Professor's office directly but that's just not possible with an onlone degree~

  3. Ah btw..she did post my grades which were mainly A and Bs and some Cs too but for about two weeks she didn't post any of my grades - grading occurs weekly~

  4. Were you with UoL - El Tanoderno?
